S.S. 163 - Amalfi Coast - 84010 Ravello

Caserta and Cassino

Departure time: 7.00 am
Optional Lunch

Departure in the early morning. A lovely drive along the coast and on the highway to Cassino. Ascent to Mount Cassino and visit to the renowned Abbey. The Abbey, mother church of the benedectine order and a centre of medieval, was founded in 529 by st. benedict over the ruins of an ancient acropolis. By the 8th century it was an important centre of learning, and by the 11th century had become one of the richest monasteries in Europe. During the Second World War, in 1944, the Abbey was bombed and entirely rebuilt in the same style soon after.

CassinoVisit to the adjoining British war cemeteries that commemorate the soldiers killed during this battle. Free time for lunch. The tour proceed to Caserta: Visit to the Royal Palace, built for King Charles of Bourbon by the great architect Luigi Vanvitelli, on the same of Versailles Palace Style. The palace has 1,200 rooms and a richly decorated interior. the palace was the last great building of the italian baroque, and though you can’t visit each of its 1200 rooms, the ones you will see are as extravagant as they are exquisite. the majestic main staircase, whose 116 steps were all carved from one gigantic block of stone, is a perfect combination of rich marbles and dramatic perspectives. it leads to the splendiferous 25 rooms of the royal apartments. The immense park (120 hectares) has a wealth of artistic fountains ornamented with splendid statuary and waterfalls that gently ripple down the hill. Return to the hotel for dinner.

CapriImportant notice: In order to be allowed into St. Peter’s Basilica you must have covered shoulders & long trousers.

** Clients from European Union under 18 and over 65 are entitled to free admission to State archaeological sites and museums unpon production of a valid identity document.

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